We just received a nice message from Mike Wuetherick, Commodore of the Sylvan Lake Sailing Club...
Hello Alberta Sailors.....its that time of year again, the annual End of Summer Hummer regatta is just around the corner. This year's event will start with registration on Friday September 18th followed by two full days of racing on Saturday Sept. 19th and finishing up with on Sunday Sept. 20th with awards/social.
In keeping with past tradition, there will be a chance to catch up with old friends and chat about sailing on Friday night. In the past, this has been a pot-luck Chilli dinner but this year all you have do to is show up! The club will be providing food, salads and a cash-bar will be open. Come out and enjoy some snacks and meet your fellow competitors.
Information regarding the regatta will be available on the club website at www.sylvansailing.ca. In addition, I have attached copies of the Notice of Race and the registration form for you to confirm your participation in the event. [Editor's note: those documents are currently available at the home page of their website.]
Please complete the registration form and email it to [email protected], please be sure to list the names of your crew members and also how many dinner tickets you will need for the Saturday dinner. Spouses, children, neighbours are all welcome to attend, but you will need a ticket to attend.
I have 5-6 people who are available for crew should any team not have their entire team available and need a few extra hands. Please let me know if you need some extras and I will do my best to get everyone a ride.
This is a great opportunity to get in one last sailing event before winter sets in, I am hoping we can get a great turnout for the regatta and showcase the great sport of Sailing on Sylvan Lake. If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Mike Wuetherick,
Commodore Sylvan Lake Sailing Club
Hello Alberta Sailors.....its that time of year again, the annual End of Summer Hummer regatta is just around the corner. This year's event will start with registration on Friday September 18th followed by two full days of racing on Saturday Sept. 19th and finishing up with on Sunday Sept. 20th with awards/social.
In keeping with past tradition, there will be a chance to catch up with old friends and chat about sailing on Friday night. In the past, this has been a pot-luck Chilli dinner but this year all you have do to is show up! The club will be providing food, salads and a cash-bar will be open. Come out and enjoy some snacks and meet your fellow competitors.
Information regarding the regatta will be available on the club website at www.sylvansailing.ca. In addition, I have attached copies of the Notice of Race and the registration form for you to confirm your participation in the event. [Editor's note: those documents are currently available at the home page of their website.]
Please complete the registration form and email it to [email protected], please be sure to list the names of your crew members and also how many dinner tickets you will need for the Saturday dinner. Spouses, children, neighbours are all welcome to attend, but you will need a ticket to attend.
I have 5-6 people who are available for crew should any team not have their entire team available and need a few extra hands. Please let me know if you need some extras and I will do my best to get everyone a ride.
This is a great opportunity to get in one last sailing event before winter sets in, I am hoping we can get a great turnout for the regatta and showcase the great sport of Sailing on Sylvan Lake. If you have any questions, please send me an email.
Mike Wuetherick,
Commodore Sylvan Lake Sailing Club