Hello EYC members and welcome to the 2021 sailing season. I hope this email finds you all well.
With the assistance of the Sunshine Bay Yacht Club we have been able to confirm with Alberta Health Services that we can function as a recreational facility within the current public health guidelines including placing in our docks. Shortly you will be getting the all call for volunteers from our Harbour Masters. It is absolutely critical that we conform to public health orders, first and foremost to keep everybody safe and healthy. We need to also remember that the docks-in procedure is a very public event and we want to give our neighbours and the Village of Seba Beach confidence that we are functioning safely.
What you can expect on the day of docks in:
Risk Assessment: Screening Questions
You must be able to answer no to all the following questions in order to participate:
Things are going to get better this summer. We'll be watching for updates (along with everyone else I'm sure) and hopefully sometime this summer we'll get back to enjoying full use of the club again.
Looking forward to seeing everyone very soon,
Don Simoneau, EYC Treasurer & COVID-19 Committee Chair
With the assistance of the Sunshine Bay Yacht Club we have been able to confirm with Alberta Health Services that we can function as a recreational facility within the current public health guidelines including placing in our docks. Shortly you will be getting the all call for volunteers from our Harbour Masters. It is absolutely critical that we conform to public health orders, first and foremost to keep everybody safe and healthy. We need to also remember that the docks-in procedure is a very public event and we want to give our neighbours and the Village of Seba Beach confidence that we are functioning safely.
What you can expect on the day of docks in:
- We will be using the fewest possible volunteers to complete the work (but please come out if you can).
- To reduce contact between members, the standing docks, the floating docks and the mooring field will be completed on different dates and the Harbour Masters are completing as much work as possible in advance.
- Volunteers will be required to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at all times including face masks (we will have some on hand but you can use your own if you would like) and eye protection. You need to bring your own eye protection in the form of a face shield (ex, grinding mask) or safety glasses (ex, any from Home Depot or Canadian Tire). If you wear prescription glasses you will need to wear safety glasses over top of those.
- Volunteers must bring their own food and drink, no sharing of supplies please.
- The clubhouse will be available for washrooms only.
- There will be a mandatory safety briefing prior to the work commencing.
- Members will be asked to sign in as part of required contact tracing.
- Volunteers will be asked the following screening questions.
Risk Assessment: Screening Questions
You must be able to answer no to all the following questions in order to participate:
- Do you have any of the following symptoms which are new, or worsened if associated with allergies, chronic or pre-existing conditions: fever, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sore throat, and/or runny nose?
- Have you returned to Canada from outside the country (including USA) in the past 14 days?
- In the past 14 days, at work or elsewhere, while not wearing appropriate personal protective equipment:
- Did you have close contact with someone who has a probable or confirmed case of COVID19?
- Did you have close contact with a person who had acute respiratory illness that started within 14 days of their close contact to someone with a probable or confirmed case of COVID-19?
- Did you have close contact with a person who had acute respiratory illness who returned from travel outside of Canada in the 14 days before they became sick?
- Did you have a laboratory exposure to biological material (i.e. primary clinical specimens, virus culture isolates) known to contain COVID-19?
Things are going to get better this summer. We'll be watching for updates (along with everyone else I'm sure) and hopefully sometime this summer we'll get back to enjoying full use of the club again.
Looking forward to seeing everyone very soon,
Don Simoneau, EYC Treasurer & COVID-19 Committee Chair